Category: Podcast

  • Boston Representing!

    Wow.  This was an amazing weekend for the Boston A Cappella Scene. For me it started with the Five O’Clock Shadow 20th anniversary reunion. 20 years is a long time in this community. A really long time.  Rockapella existed, but hadn’t yet started their sting with Carmen Sandiego.  The House Jacks would be formed a…

  • Acapodcast #65: Seven minutes to say goodbye.

    65 isn’t a hugely significant number. Its a common speed limit on highways. And it’s the nominal age of retirement. Neither has terribly much to do with a cappella. But they are both indicative of limits, changes, and endings

  • Acapodcast #64

    No bones, I’m a big fan of the music from the late 80’s and early 90’s. It’s when I started making my own music collection, and when I started listening to a cappella music extensively… so for show #64 it seemed the perfect time to do an 80’s focus. Specifically on 1988. Get it? 64=8*8?…

  • Acapodcast #63, Beatles Collection

    Who doesn’t love The Beatles?  One of the most loved, respected, and covered artists of all time, they helped define a new movement in music, and even today there are fans, critics, and imitators.  I’ve pulled together ten of the best A Cappella covers of Beatles songs for this episode.  If you like it, let…

  • Play Ball!

    One of the best things an a cappella group can do is to sing the national anthem at a ball game.  I don’t care what group you are, what country you are singing for, or what kind of game it is at.  You could be a high school group at your cousins jai-lai game in…