Acapodcast #62

Back again! This time with a focus on High School a cappella, and the ICHSA competition.  Three of the four groups below just competed in the New England Semifinal, and the last group will be competing shortly in the Midatlantic Semifinal. See below for more information!

Track Title Artist Album Original Artist
The Lion Sleeps Tonight Town Criers

Stimulus Package
The Tokens, amongst many
I Wish The Jewel Tones Not yet on any CD!

To be Released on April 30th!

Stevie Wonder
Keep Breathing Luminescence Not yet on any CD! Ingrid Michaelson
Miss Independent Luminescence

Kelly Clarkson
Sound of Silence Town Criers

Stimulus Package
Simon and Garfunkel
This Island Earth The 18 Wheelers

A Lesson in Tightropes
The Nylons

Now, after you’ve heard show #62, I want to tell you a few more things.  First, go to the Town Criers facebook page linked to above.  There you’ll find a couple of videos of their competition set.  Fun choreo with the opening number (Lion Sleeps Tonight)!  Second, Amanda Roeder has been doing -awesome- work with the students at Marblehead.  Every time they come out with something new, I’m floored all over again.  There’s a great local article on Amanda and the Marblehead groups at I know I’m heaping a lot of praise on Amanda, but she’s just the directing force, and I want to call out the amazing students she has, with their hard work, energy, and above all, passion and talent. Lastly, I want to once again direct everyone to where you can submit your nominations for this year’s ACAs, including, new this year, an ACA award for best a cappella podcast! *nudge, nudge*

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